Identity Intelligence in Motion

In a rapidly evolving universe of online identity verification, the future belongs to the quick, the nimble, the ready-to-adapt. Powered by Generative AI, IDVerse is built to adapt to threats and to rise to challenges. Identity moves fast in a remote world. Move faster.

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A Higher Power

There are a lot of people in the world — and a lot of bad bots trying to impersonate them. Telling them apart is a job for a higher power.


Adaptive intelligence in motion adapts to challenges on the fly

Deep Neural Network

Deep Neural Network Engine automatically learns from user input. Over 150 sub-engines are networked along with external authoritative data sources.

Deepfake Defender™

Using proprietary computer vision techniques, we can detect micro anomalies to precisely assess human liveness. ​Works cross-platform with Android and iOS and is not hardware-dependent.


Everything is accessible via APIs for faster integration. Distributed, modular architecture enables flexibility and scalability. ​

100% Proprietary Code

We own 100% of our code and roadmap. Developed from the ground up means we can optimize feature agility to meet your most demanding technical requirements and business needs. ​

Universal access

Do business with the world –
on its own terms


Identity Documents Covered


Languages and Typesets


Face Matching Accuracy

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