
User-Centric Design: Making IDV Seamless for Customers

Dave Price

IDVerse clearly understands that identity verification (IDV) is a critical process for many businesses—but we also recognize that it can be a potential point of friction for customers. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to create a user-centric design that makes IDV as seamless and effortless as possible. 

In this article, we’ll explore how we’ve achieved this goal and why it matters for both businesses and their customers.

The importance of UX in IDV

A smooth user experience is crucial in today’s competitive market. When it comes to IDV, a cumbersome or confusing process can lead to user frustration, abandonment, and ultimately, lost business opportunities

Our approach focuses on creating an efficient and user-friendly experience that minimizes friction while maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance.

Designing an intuitive interface

The foundation of our user-centric design is an intuitive interface that guides users through each step of the verification process. We provide clear, concise instructions and real-time feedback to ensure users can complete the process without getting stuck or confused. To further streamline the experience, we pre-fill known information, reducing user effort and potential errors.

We’ve also implemented progressive disclosure, which means we only request additional information when absolutely necessary. This approach respects users’ time and privacy, making the process feel less intrusive and more efficient.

Accessibility & localization

We believe that IDV should be accessible to everyone, so we’ve incorporated features like adjustable text sizes, audio cues, and high-contrast modes to accommodate users with different needs. 

Additionally, our automated localization supports multiple languages, ensuring a seamless experience for users around the world.

Transparency & trust

Building trust is essential in IDV. We clearly communicate the purpose of data collection and how it will be used and protected. This transparency helps users feel more comfortable sharing their information. 

We also offer custom-branded verification flows that align with the overall product experience, creating a sense of continuity and trust for the end user.

Image animated using Luma.

Seamless cross-device experience

In a mobile-first world, we’ve ensured that users can seamlessly transition from desktop to mobile during the verification process. This flexibility allows users to complete the process on their preferred device or switch devices if needed, without losing progress or having to start over.

Advanced ID document capture

Our ID document capture process is designed to be as effortless as possible. We use real-time edge and error detection technology to guide users in capturing their ID correctly the first time, eliminating the need for repeat attempts.

To help users quickly identify acceptable documents, we display country-specific ID examples. Our auto-edge detection ensures high-quality images without requiring manual adjustments from the user. We’ve also implemented an “instant fail” system that immediately rejects inappropriate IDs, saving users time and reducing frustration.

Our advanced OCR technology accurately extracts data from IDs in multiple languages, including non-Latin scripts. For enhanced security and convenience, we support mobile driver’s license (mDL) scanning. After capture, users can review the extracted data to ensure accuracy.

Streamlined liveness & face matching

We’ve combined face matching and liveness checks into a single step to streamline the user experience. Our easy-to-follow instructions guide users through the process, while real-time feedback ensures they complete actions correctly.

Understanding that some users may find traditional selfie captures intrusive, we offer a faceless selfie option similar to FaceID. For users with limited internet connectivity, we provide alternatives to video-based liveness checks, ensuring that the verification process remains accessible to all.

Impact of user-centric design

Our user-centric approach to IDV design has yielded significant benefits for both businesses and their customers:

  • Increased conversion rates: A smoother verification process leads to higher completion rates and fewer abandoned transactions.
  • Enhanced user satisfaction: Users appreciate a quick, easy, and transparent verification process, improving overall customer satisfaction.
  • Improved accessibility: Our inclusive design ensures that all users, regardless of their abilities or devices, can complete the verification process.
  • Stronger trust & brand loyalty: Clear communication and seamless integration with existing brand experiences build trust and encourage repeat business.
  • Reduced support needs: An intuitive process with real-time feedback minimizes the need for customer support interventions.

Security, compliance & experience

At IDVerse, we believe that effective identity verification doesn’t have to be a burden on users. Through thoughtful, user-centric design, we’ve created an IDV solution that balances security and compliance with user experience

As we continue to innovate our product offerings, we remain committed to making IDV as seamless and effortless as possible, benefiting both businesses and their customers.

About the post:
Images and videos are generative AI-created.
Prompt: Planets orbiting around a smiling 35 year old Asian man, man wearing casual clothes like jeans and a t-shirt, floating in space at the center, planets of various sizes and colors revolving around him, cosmic background with stars and nebulas, photorealistic style, high detail, vibrant colors. Tools: Midjourney, Luma.

About the author:
Dave Price is SVP of Product Design for IDVerse. He has over 20 years of technology and innovation experience across start-ups, SaaS, e-commerce, fashion, banking, telcos, enterprise, and SME service-based businesses. Dave’s passion is solving challenging customer and business problems, especially when it comes to validating business models that aim to disrupt industries.

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