Secure, instant and remote identity verification

At IDVerse we remove the stress of identity verification for brokers. Our technology seamlessly verifies your new customers, and allows them to add multiple documents.

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Reduce customer drop-off during verification

No need for customers to download an additional app. Web based verification processes can be initiated via SMS for ease with customisable completion periods.

Build custom onboarding workflows

Create custom workflows to collect the multiple documents to complete a compliant process.

Maintain records with PDF exports

Export PDF proof of verifications to be used for record keeping and compliance challenges.

Build custom onboarding workflows

“User experience is the currency of the future”

The next generation of VOI is customisable. Verification of Identity (VOI) can be achieved by submitting a combination of different identity documents. Each document is assigned a different score. The challenge for brokers is building a consistent and seamless user VOI experience, no matter the document combination that the customer uses.

Many customers who are required to submit an additional document at a later date because the original documents they submitted didn’t meet VOI requirements, will use a competitor instead.

IDVerse supports the creation of custom workflows so customers are only required to submit the necessary identity documents. Customers know before submitting their application that they meet VOI requirements, saving them time and reducing your operational overheads.

Reduce customer drop-off during IDV

“Convert hard won business”

When it comes to the purchase or sale of a property, brokers want to save time by accurately and remotely identifying genuine users in line with local AML and KYC requirements.

The cost to verify a customer in-person is too high—both in time and expense. In-person verification takes up to five days to complete and can cost up to $29 per customer. There’s also the risk that the complexity of verification will lead to customer dropoff, which in turn increases acquisition costs.

IDVerse does the heavy lifting for you when it comes to meeting your KYC and AML requirements, with a single remote fully automated IDV solution. Our platform meets the most stringent privacy, security and integrity standards—including TDIF, SOC 2, iBeta and ISO 27001.

Financial Services
For Your Industry
Financial Services

Enact minimum age restrictions to open an account and offer different types of account options to underage individuals.

For Your Industry

Prevent underage gambling without deterring eligible players. Meet regulatory compliance by each geographic jurisdiction anywhere in the world.

Gig Economy
For Your Industry
Gig Economy

Establish trust and safety by assuring both the person requesting a product or service and the gig worker are of legal age.

Restricted Content
For Your Industry
Restricted Content

Protect users and creators from harmful content, setting a minimum age requirement for users to be able to provide valid consent.

Restricted Goods
For Your Industry
Restricted Goods

Ensure alcohol, vapes, tobacco, and dangerous objects can be purchased online with the correct checks on age limits at checkout and again at receipt of goods.

Sharing Economy
For Your Industry
Sharing Economy

Reduce risk and keep underage users from renting scooters, cars, properties and other high-value assets.

Employment Screening
For Your Industry
Employment Screening

Obtain date of birth to conduct thorough background and credit checks – including Right To Work – in line with equal employment, opportunity, age & discrimination laws.

Gaming & Social Media
For Your Industry
Gaming & Social Media

Create a safe and trusted space for your users and players so they can enjoy an age appropriate experience.

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About the post: Images are generative AI-created. Prompt: A mid-range photo of a diverse group of 2 men and 2 women rowing with their faces clearly visible, "IDV" is a uniform logo, their boat has the number 42 on the side, people are smiling, they're winning the competition, photorealistic faces, sport competition, white boat, orange elements. Tool: Midjourney.
Strategic Partnerships to Unlock Growth Opportunities
Potential customers abandon an onboarding process after encountering even the slightest inconvenience, and companies are still facing numerous challenges in ensuring a secure and seamless ... Read more
About the post: Images are generative AI-created. Prompt: Photorealistic fantastical image of a middle-aged Latino couple walking hand in hand down the middle of a road, on the left side a Washington, DC scene with the Capitol building, the Washington Monument, and other government buildings, on the right side a New York City scene with towering futuristic skyscrapers adorned with sleek corporate logos, dramatic lighting, cinematic atmosphere, mist, 8k resolution, octane render. Tool: Midjourney.
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About the post: Images are AI-created. Prompt: A middle aged black man in 13th century attire stands looking down at a box that is sitting in the middle of a dungeon. the box is very old and has an beautiful and intricately carved surface. the box is very detailed and inlaid with mother of pearl. the lid of box is slightly open. a strange orange light comes out of the opening. high detail, photorealistic, 8k. Tool: Midjourney.
Australia’s Digital ID Bill: Step Forward or Pandora's Box?
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